Leader of Datacut's ISO9001 Quality System.
David manages high volume turnings.
Neil is a highly skilled engineer. It is fair to say, that Neil is faster than a CNC. I wouldn't say he can move faster than 25m/sec in a single axis, but when it comes to new prototypes and helping customers with quick solutions to problems; Neil is the fastest on our Team.
Neil manages our bespoke and new product department. +30 Years experience as an expert Tool Maker on traditional vertical/horizontal miller, centre lathe and CNC milling controls.
A much valued member of our quotation and work winning team, he is also a great guy to work with.
Les established the Datacut business in 1980 - being one of the first takers, to buy up new CNC lathe technology.
Our best fix-it guy, Les takes care of mid size production runs, circa qty 500 down to wherever we determine Neil's department is more appropriate.
Since the beginning of Datacut, Kath has managed all the financial aspects of the business. This discipline has ensured that engineers can focus best on the engineering side of the businesses success.